Nairasha Legal (Pty) is a Non-Profit Company registered and operating as such and in terms of the Companies Act No.18 of 2011 at Office No. 10 First Floor, Speedy Complex, Main Traffic Circle Maseru. Guided by the principle, “If access to justice is the pathway to full enjoyment of Human Rights, then everyone should have access to a lawyer”, Nairasha is a legal social enterprise whose priorities are empowerment of women and girls, women’s Human Rights advocacy and Activism, offering support to victims and survivors of Gender-Based Violence.

Our Mission

Empowering Women and Vulnerable Individuals:

We understand the unique challenges that women and vulnerable populations face in navigating the legal system. Our team of compassionate and experienced legal professionals is here to provide the guidance and support needed to address these challenges effectively.

We stand in solidarity with survivors of Gender-Based Violence, offering a safe and supportive environment where survivors can seek legal assistance and protection. Our services extend beyond legal representation; we provide comprehensive support to help survivors regain control of their lives.

Our Vision

To be the beacon of hope, empowerment, and change for women, vulnerable individuals, and survivors of Gender-Based Violence (GBV). We envision a world where justice is accessible to all, where gender-based inequalities are eradicated, and where every person can live a life free from violence and fear. 

Through our unwavering commitment to advocacy, support, and legal expertise, we strive to create a more equitable and just society where everyone’s rights are protected, voices are heard, and lives are transformed for the better. Nairasha Legal Support is dedicated to pioneering a path towards a future where equality, justice, and compassion prevail, leaving no one behind

Our Partners

This website was created through the generous support of Canada Funds for Local Initiatives